Feb 21


  • Add to Calendar 2024-02-21 00:00:00 2024-02-28 00:00:00 2023-2024创意研究主题:人工环境/环境智能节 Image 十大电竞游戏综合排名的运动实验室已经为2023- 2024年设定了一个广泛的创意研究主题, 人工环境/环境智能, 从2月21日到28日将会是一个节日, 2024, 带着一个指导性的问题:当我们关闭自然和技术二元结构的循环时会发生什么?  The aim is to look critically at the relationship (or lack thereof) between emerging technologies and the environment; to research and discover creative alternatives for subverting manmade systems through environmental and technological engagement; to collaborate with and use the lab as an exploratory space for embodied research of new assemblages of environment and technology. 人工环境/环境智能节将于2月21日至28日的一周内,每天在实验室举行装置和表演, 所有这些都是免费向公众开放的. 请关注我们的活动页面,阅读更多关于每个节日活动的信息,并回复. 我们期待在实验室见到你! Festival Artists: Maya T. Weed Eva Thomas Celia Krefter cari ann shim sham Tansy Xiao Eliza Ducnuigeen & Hannah Rubenstein Lolo Dederer Ari Riggins 张雅青,韩东辉,Joshua Tazman Reinier Surabhi Saraf & Laura Hyunjhee Kim Liz Radway, Abby Mankin, Katie Sponenburg Sophie Craig Kate Purdum 米尔斯坦中心运动实验室,LL020 Barnard College barnard-admin@digitalpulp.com America/New_York public

十大电竞游戏综合排名的运动实验室已经为2023- 2024年设定了一个广泛的创意研究主题, 人工环境/环境智能, 从2月21日到28日将会是一个节日, 2024, 带着一个指导性问题: 当我们关闭自然和技术二元结构的循环时会发生什么? 

The aim is to look critically at the relationship (or lack thereof) between emerging technologies and the environment; to research and discover creative alternatives for subverting manmade systems through environmental and technological engagement; to collaborate with and use the lab as an exploratory space for embodied research of new assemblages of environment and technology.

人工环境/环境智能节将于2月21日至28日的一周内,每天在实验室举行装置和表演, 所有这些都是免费向公众开放的.

Keep an eye on our events page 阅读有关每个节日活动的更多信息,并回复. 我们期待在实验室见到你!

Festival Artists:

Maya T. Weed

Eva Thomas

Celia Krefter

cari ann shim sham

Tansy Xiao

Eliza Ducnuigeen & Hannah Rubenstein

Lolo Dederer

Ari Riggins

张雅青,韩东辉,Joshua Tazman Reinier

Surabhi Saraf & Laura Hyunjhee Kim

Liz Radway, Abby Mankin, Katie Sponenburg

Sophie Craig

Kate Purdum